Couples King Arthur – Fate Stay Night

I awoke to the sound of the birds singing to the rising sun as the morning light filtered through the tent, I moved trying to find my warm body beside me, however the bag was empty, I was now wide awake, confused and worried the previous day had been a dream, I calmed myself and realised that if it had been a dream I would not be in a tent, I moved to open the fly to the tent to see the day, as I squinted against the brightness of the morning sun I saw Jason, he was swimming in the lake, the sun glistening over the drops of water covering his body and hair, he looked perfect as his powerful muscular body dove back under the water, I looked for him to rise it seemed to take forever, eventually he rose from the water flicking his hair back throwing a spray of water high into the air letting the sun dance on the falling droplets, he sat treading water where he was totally enjoying his surroundings, I moved back to the warmth of my sleeping bag, treasuring the image of Jason swimming in the lake, I fell back to sleep comforted in this knowledge. Liveshow [Gatchaman Crowds] Ichinose Hajime… When I emerged form the tent, after making my tempry home as comfortable as possible, I found Jason sitting on a stump staring out across the lake, I automatically sat next to him, and without hesitation or recognition of my presence he handed me a coffee, and continued his indulgence of the view, as I sat next to him I felt as if he had changed, I turned to see if it was visible, to my surprise it was, it looked as if he lost five years in journey hear, the defining lines on his face had softened, the serious look he commonly wore was replaced by this subtle , calm, warm, and relaxed look, I felt as if I was looking at a Buddhist monk meditating, and realized I was stealing this moment of privacy from him, but he was totally emersed in his connection with the soundings, I could not remove my eyes form such an idyllic vision, I wished I had my camera wanting to capture the moment forever, but realizing it would destroy the moment.

Hentai: (C66) [Takotsuboya (TK)] King Arthur (Fate/stay night)

King Arthur 1King Arthur 2King Arthur 3King Arthur 4King Arthur 5King Arthur 6King Arthur 7King Arthur 8King Arthur 9King Arthur 10King Arthur 11King Arthur 12King Arthur 13King Arthur 14King Arthur 15King Arthur 16King Arthur 17King Arthur 18King Arthur 19King Arthur 20King Arthur 21King Arthur 22King Arthur 23King Arthur 24King Arthur 25King Arthur 26King Arthur 27King Arthur 28King Arthur 29King Arthur 30King Arthur 31King Arthur 32King Arthur 33King Arthur 34King Arthur 35King Arthur 36King Arthur 37King Arthur 38King Arthur 39King Arthur 40King Arthur 41King Arthur 42King Arthur 43King Arthur 44King Arthur 45King Arthur 46King Arthur 47King Arthur 48King Arthur 49King Arthur 50King Arthur 51King Arthur 52King Arthur 53King Arthur 54King Arthur 55King Arthur 56King Arthur 57King Arthur 58King Arthur 59King Arthur 60King Arthur 61King Arthur 62King Arthur 63

(C66) [蛸壷屋 (TK)]キング・アーサー(Fate/stay night)

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