I wanna eat your sloppy fuckin’ cunt, mommy!” Tamara’s brain was so fogged up with lust that it took what
Tag: rider
Now the not seeing a lot of each other changes real quick but ill get to that in a minute.
I knelt Tina onto the bed so Sasha was lying under her, my sister’s tits hung precariously above Sasha’s mouth,
Running my soapy sponge down my legs then back up, as I drop the sponge on the floor I lean
The first time I had sex was not exactly spectacular, I was scared and cried afterwards but the second time
They never remember my bite because I make them forget. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story
After what seemed like two dozen strokes, I finally stopped orgasming and collapsed on top of the 7th grader. Pigtails
there was a girl dressed in a Ncarolina Shirt and wearing a Duke baseball cap now that may not sound